Realiging & Reclaiming Your Sexuality | A Friendly Chat About Privates
Welcome Lovers
In this edition of JoySays we will be discussing the mature topic of sex. This will be a conversation of a sexual nature hopefully enlightening and empowering readers while loosening up [ your/their/readers ] articulation of their needs and preferences.
The Danforth Music Hall, Toronto ON, CA Mon. Dec. 9. 24 | 7:00 PM
The Danforth Music Hall, Toronto ON, CA Mon. Dec. 9. 24 | 7:00 PM |
Surrounding the topics of desires, boundaries, dysfunction, sexual peace, and sexual health — we invite you into this special space with the utmost respect and hope not to offend you. ♡
As a community, we should be boldly addressing these areas of concern for individuals who can and would like to foster deeper connections, understand the benefits and consequences of sex, and improve their overall sexual well-being.
Some Things to Consider
What is our attitude towards sex & sexuality?
How do people benefit from sexuality or even sex itself?
Cultivating a more open and welcoming frame of mind toward sex and sexuality
Enhancing your power to communicate constructively with others regarding sex and intimacy
Securing a better interpretation of your own sexual health and well-being
Be suitable for a comfortable body inside and out
Upgrading your aptness to make informed and healthy choices about your sexual health
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
“I’m fine! It’s fine…”
According to the International Classification of Diseases 10th edition (ICD-10), lack or loss of sexual desire should be the principal problem and not other sexual problems accompanying it such as ED [815]. In the DSM-V, male hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is defined as “the persistent or recurrent deficiency (or absence) of sexual or erotic thoughts or fantasies and desire for sexual activity”.
— Sexual and Reproductive Health, Definition, classification and epidemiology, UROWEB
Know The Risks & FACTORS
Common causes of low sexual desire in men
In an international survey aimed at estimating the prevalence and correlates of sexual problems in 13,882 women and 13,618 men from 29 countries (Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviours), risk factors for male LSD were age 60-69 and 70-80 years, poor overall health, vascular diseases, being a current smoker, belief that ageing reduces sex, divorce in the past 3 years, financial problems in the last 3 years, major depression, being worried about the future of a relationship and less than one sexual relation in a week [205].
The absence of spontaneous sexual desire (sexual thoughts, fantasies, stimulation)
Lack of desire to initiate or participate in sexual activity
Clinical data indicates that 7 in 10 women (aged 40-64) presented with low sexual desire, and 1 in 3 women (aged 40-64) reported low desire with distress (HSDD)².
The prevalence of HSDD was even significantly greater among younger surgically postmenopausal aged 20 – 49³.
How Can It Be Treated?
Texas University says hypogonadism in males typically leads to low testosterone production, decreased sexual interest, and difficulties sustaining an erection.
Flow diagram of psychological evaluation of patients with LSD
Flow diagram of psychological evaluation of patients with LSD
FOR MY LADIES, Ladies, Ladies
It’s recommended that we visit our doctor(s) to also engage in therapy for HSDD. There are medications available for treatment (I AM NOT A DOCTOR GO TO THE ACTUAL OFFICE — PLEASE VISIT YOUR DOCTOR, GIRL♡) when it comes to sexual dysfunction. It’s nothing to be ashamed of but if it truly matters to you, you should definitely (SERIOUSLY) take care of the situation within. When it comes to HSDD, it’s curable and even over time — feelings can change and usually the symptoms improve.
Is proven to treat mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and past trauma.
Some women benefit from CBT by learning how to deal with negative thoughts regarding sex.
Couples dealing with sexual dysfunction find that couples therapy provides ways to address their issues and regain intimacy and sexual desire.
Women with HSDD benefit from seeing a professional that focuses on sex therapy.
In 2015, the FDA approved the medication flibanserin (Addyi) to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopausal women.
Kegel exercises can help increase blood flow to the genital region for better sensation and sexual function.
Studies suggest that three sets of 10 to 15 Kegel exercises a day can strengthen the pelvic floor and improve overall sexual health.
What the F&@# is a Libido ?
Just like a car has an engine, so does the human body. Having the drive to apply yourself to bedroom activities can be difficult because someone can lack the libido required.
It can be tricky and doesn’t always come from shallow visuals or someone’s appearance.
Sometimes, emotional inconsistency or relationship toxicity can take a toll on the way someone may apply themselves. For others … if you remember the last article about kinks — Unhealthily, some relationships thrive on angry sex (HA!)
An example of this would be that scene from Baby Boy featuring Yvette and Jody.
(Remember these people are actors and actresses, this is not real, this is from a film — so please be respectful.)
“You don’t mean that shit. You just running yo mouth, like you always do.”
“Libido, which means sex drive or the desire for sex, varies dramatically from one person to the next. It also varies depending on a person’s preferences and life circumstances. Libido can be affected by medical conditions, hormone levels, medications, lifestyle and relationship problems.”
Dr. Alexandra Mayer is for general guidance is not intended to be nor should it be construed as the practice of medicine or specific medical advice. You should consult with your doctor to ensure that anything discussed in the video is right for you, given your unique set of health circumstances.
I’ll reiterate this — having libido problems is not uncommon nor is it anything to be ashamed of. Getting the situation rectified is the solution because you shouldn’t have to miss out on passion.
“Any Advice On Combating Low Libido ?”
Get rid of your bad habits if you can kick them (alcohol, too much coffee, smoking etc.) | Take a T - Break if weed is affecting you, it may help
Get into a regular exercise routine to elevate your heart rate and your blood circulating
Open up and talk about it! If you feel like the energy is low between you and your partner, kick it up a notch
Plan a trip — sometimes you need a little getaway for some “inspiration” — Set aside some time for intimacy
Less distractions means more love — make sure when you’re in the moment, that it’s your only focus. If you have household duties, get them done, get cleaned up and get into it (Assuming you still have the energy and you’re happy)
Psychosexual Evaluation
“Do I need one?”
Define It
Psychosexual evaluations are given to juveniles and adults in both criminal and civil courtrooms.
Why Do We Have It?
What WOULD the PSE assessment ENTAIL?
🕵🏽♀️ Pyschosexual Assessments Evaluation Questions 🕵🏽♀️
Is an instrument used to measure sexual interest.
The ABEL is a non-invasive computerized test that takes about 2 hours to complete.
This instrument will assist in determining various treatment issues including:
1. Separating those who have no interest in children from those who deny interest.
2. Dangerousness (sadistic interest in violence vs. opportunistic offending).
Are there any rates OR Fees For This Assessment?
The fee for this evaluation is usually $1200.00 — $2000.00 upwards
The evaluation cost must be paid prior to the start of the evaluation, unless a third party like the judicial court has agreed to pay for the assessment
An attorney would help with this situation — A testimony is needed in a court session because this is a serious matter
Polygraph tests are most used when the client denies actual physical contact with the victim and during psychosexual evaluations of juveniles/young people
The psychometric tests include: a personality inventory which consists of a 154-item objective psychological test that is computer-scored and made specifically to identify psychopathic individuals
FINANCING: The third party is required to sign the financial agreement before the assessment takes place because attorney’s are on retainer and it takes time to pick the person’s story apart
Reclaiming My Sexuality
SOME people are still finding themselves and have never been sexually expressive or know of anything explicit.
A life of wholesomeness actually exists for some people, while there are others of us who have been dealt a strange deck of cards whether we wanted them or not.
There is no shame in trying to become more open and sexually present (finally or again) but it does take time. I wouldn’t ever tell someone to rush into becoming a FLIRT for the fun of it — be yourself, do the natural healing as it comes.
You need to learn your own patterns before becoming MachoQuan or HER-isha. Who the hell are you?
You deserve a healthy sex life — don’t get sucked into insecure moments of temptation because you’re unsure of who you are.
Sometimes it’s innate and other times it’s not.
| Author | Wendy Maltz dives into the specifics of touching exercises in her book 'The Sexual Healing Journey'.
| Author | Wendy Maltz dives into the specifics of touching exercises in her book 'The Sexual Healing Journey'.
Wendy Maltz, LCSW, DST, is an internationally recognized sex therapist, educator, and author, with more than forty years of counseling experience.
The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse helps survivors to
Identify the sexual effects of sexual abuse
Eliminate negative sexual behavior and resolve specific problems
Gain control over upsetting automatic reactions to touch and sex
Develop a healthy sexual self-concept
The Conditional Importance of Sex & Exploring the Association Between Sexual Well-Being and Life Satisfaction
Sexual satisfaction has been defined as the individual's subjective evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of one's sexual relationship, and his/her subsequent affective response to this evaluation (Lawrance & Byers, Citation1992).
A diagnosis of either of these conditions NEEDS a physical examination, which was unavailable for the present study. As such, these diagnoses should be considered very preliminary.
Intimacy eliminates stress, releases positive hormones such as oxytocin, improves the immune system and boosts overall health.
Emotional intimacy happens when you trust a person with personal things about yourself.
The comfort level starts to build a mutual intimacy.
Having a healthy mental curiosity and learning from each other.
Feeling safe to discuss various topics and share your views and perspectives while being open to a different point of view
Physical intimacy doesn’t always mean sex.
It can be kissing, hugging, cuddling, or holding hands.
Spiritual intimacy is very individual.
Belief in a higher power or common values with others
Some people find spiritual intimacy in nature or music
Reclaiming Your Sexual Self: How You Can Bring Desire Back Into Your Life
by Kathryn Hall Ph.D.
Hall offers friendly advice to those struggling with understanding their own sexual life no matter how rocky it may be. A warm approach using her clinic practice, Hall helps readers to identify their imbalances. Topics such as:
When it’s time to speak to a doctor about the challenge
How to be a sustainable partner in a long term relationship
How to become a better communicator
Why sex is okay — why it can be enjoyed
Understanding the right conditions and circumstances to spark your sexual interest
What’s the difference between intimacy and sexuality?
What messages have you received from society about sexuality or intimacy?
How would you define “Healthy Sexuality” ?
What conversations have you had from your personal upbringing about sexuality or intimacy?
Mariah previously served as a Communications Designer for Healthy Teen Network. With the bulk of her experience working in social services and at affordable housing organizations—she has a passion for diving deeper into (and helping bridge the gap between) healthcare and housing.
APRIL is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, let’s emphasize survivors’ right to joy and pleasure after sexual trauma.
Female Sexual Dysfunction & Erectile Dysfunction
It’s Not Your Lack of Creativity
Types of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women
For some, a dysfunction can look similar to this familiar game. It’s manageable yet stressful, right? You’re able to finish it but it’s tough to keep the ball rolling without an extra little push. It’s a game of possibilities that can be disheartening when you know you have the capabilities to be great.
Dysfunction can be resolved so that the “game” you play can be rewarding, the harmony can be intune and the awkward embarrassment can turn into pure genuine confidence.
It should be noted that sometimes dysfunction can occur because of hormonal imbalance, past trauma or even conditions such as heart disease.
If someone isn't aroused or they have arousal disorder, this can complicate opportunites.
If there is a lack of desire AKA low libido, low estrogen and testosterone levels could be a factor along with other specific medical ailments.
Are common factors in desire as well.
An absence of orgasm or even a delayed orgasm can often prevent women from enjoying the fun. In men, the same thing can happen if they're stressed or dealing with their personal challenges.
Vaginal Dryness
Yeast Infections
Skin conditions
STI/STDs such as Herpes
Peyronie's disease
Can be the cause of pain during intercourse with an individual's partner.
Female Sexual Dysfunction
A lack of blood flow to the pelvis meaning that the arousal would not reach its full potential
Breast Feeding
Heavy menstrual cycles
Lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that causes itchy white patches on the genitals or other parts of the body.
Uterine Prolapse
Sexual Abuse
Becoming a parent / a stressed mother
Cultural Challenges
Erectile Dysfunction
Cushing’s syndrome
Hypothyroidism (Underactive)
Hyperthyroidism (Overactive)
Hypogonadism (Affects the production of male sex hormones)
Spinal Injuries/Disorders
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Parkinson’s Disease
A stroke
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Cardiovascular Disease
What kind of treatment is available?
A medication like Sildenafil (also known as Viagra), can be used to assist erectile dysfunction in at least 2/3rds of known cases.
Vacuum pumps that encourage blood to flow to the penis and cause an erection are also successful in 90% of cases. However, they can also be somewhat dicey if used too much for the function of having sex/keeping aroused — some men believe.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be useful and change the options a man may have concerning ED.
For women, a medication like Ospemifene (Osphena) can be useful because it helps women who deal with the pain of vulvovaginal atrophy and is also a selective estrogen receptor modulator.
Estrogen Therapy in the form of a tablet, ring or topical cream. This would increase the elasticity, blood flow and bring back the lubrication from within
Androgen Therapy has testosterone and even though people seem to think men only have it, it’s in everyone because it balances us out though women may not have as much
A better immune system
Friendlier mood
Awesome sleep
Lower blood pressure
Better intimacy
Lowers the risk of heart attack
Improved intimacy and closeness to a lover
Less depression and anxiety
Stronger pelvic floor
Reduces the chances of prostate cancer
Eases menopause
Less incontinence (leakage)
Burns calories
Promotes overall flexibility
A holistic approach to some ailments
Sexual Hygiene
🛁 Blow Bubbles, Babe. ∘˙○˚.•
This section may be explicit to some — scroll ahead if this is not for you.
Women and their pH Balances! Am I right, ladies? We can’t just sit in anything — a bubble bath is gorgeous and relaxing when you really want to destress and get clean. HAVING SAID THAT, a bubble bath in our youth is not the same as an adult woman taking a bath.
The suds can affect all of us in different ways but the most common complaint is thrown off aciditicies in the vagina. Alkaline exists in some bath soaps making it easier to get irritating infections surrounding the vaginal flora.
Epsom salts and bath bombs can also be troubling when enjoying some self TLC — the more fragrant the item, the more likely you are to deal with irritation, itchiness and dryness.
“Hot bubbly baths can cause skin to become dry, dehydrated, irritated, and alter the pH of this delicate area. The chemicals in bubble baths can lead to a variety of vaginal complaints, from rashes to yeast infections.
They can also make you prone to bacterial vaginosis (BV), another type of vaginal irritation that leads to a foul odor.
You also need to avoid oils, like essential oils, in the bath water. The vagina has its own natural cleaning system.”
Some women believe that the vagina doesn’t need feminine hygiene products, because it naturally holds a healthy pH balance all by itself. But if you are interested in taking the extra steps like other women — to cleanse, moisturize, or freshen up, here are some great options.
Vagisil Daily Intimate Wash pH Balance (MOST COMMON)
What DOES healthy vaginal discharge look like?
Sensitive Skin At Bathtime and/or during Shower(s)?
Have you tried Aveeno?
Aveeno | Daily Moisturizing Cream for sensitive skin, is a good finish for after the shower, in my opinion. It has a natural smell and if you get hives for no reason during, before or after a shower, this might be a great solution due to the colloidal oatmeal that Aveeno® mindfully chooses to use.
"What would You recommend personally, Joy?”
I am someone that has struggles with old burns from my childhood and acne scarring over the years. My dermal tissue has been healing since I was a baby so my options and my choices have always fluctuated.
The acne scarring is something that I can clear with ease but I periodically have sun burns and/or dry patches on my face if I don’t take care of my skin.
I have to use a very specific facial cleanser — one that has no fragrance, MD approved & without colours
Because of my old burns, I have discolouration on parts of my body that have becomes less noticable over the years
The soaps I use can sometimes make me breakout in hives — I stick to one brand instead of using extremely luxurious ones
I used to have breakout issues using certain shampoos & conditioners so I only stick to one brand now
I am at peace with the V wash I chose because it’s inexpensive and it does it’s job — it’s great for active women
Yogurt is my best friend — if you understand the female anatomy and its benefits
MY TATTOO — never gets itchy (currently as it’s healed) and is never affected by any soap I’ve used
I recommend using different or multiple washing items at a time (like wash clothes/rags, wash mitts, back scrubber, NOT loofahs) when in the shower to get the daily grease off of your body. Your bottom shouldn’t feel yucky or slimey after a shower — your vagina should be washed properly with a washcloth and patted dried as well — without an odor.
Being a hygienic person doesn’t just come from a shower — Always go to your doctor if you’re someone that’s dealing with any vaginal challenges — there’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Let your OBGYN/Gyno help you out. ♡
Something For The Ladies — #ConfidenceBooster Via @Quincy
| #ETA
everyone DOes Not come from the same Home
For The Fellas
“Am I Missing something when I shower? I Love That Clean Feeling as a Man.”
Consideration & TECHNiQUES
What’s your grooming technique? Do you even have one that facilitates your needs as a gentleman?
Do you have too much hair growing in an area that NOW has an odour?
Men have dead skin cells too -- are they willing to clear them by exfoliating?
Balanitis — when the head of the penis becomes inflamed, red and itchy
Trim your hairs — if you have them on the front, you have them on the back too
Get tested — make sure it’s not a UTI or a bacterial issue that causes an odour
Change your diet — if the food you eat makes your urine smell odd, cut back on the favourites
Drinking liquor/Smoking — the smell can get attached to a man’s body and if he hates it, he should shower more frequently
Smegma — a mixture of skin cells, yeast and sweat that can appear under your foreskin and will smell strongly
Wash it and keep it dry — simple hygiene measure can make your confidence soar
Circumcision — a method that helps men who struggle with their foreskin and the bacterial smell
For all my dudes 💪🏾🫱🏾🫲🏼
Here’s my @Papatui_ daily skin care routine a lot of you have been asking about 🚿🧼🧴
Life is complicated enough, the last thing we need is a complicated skin care routine😅
PapaTui’s quality formulation is top notch so that allows us to keep. this. simple.
Go ⬇️
- Papa face wash
- Papa toner (secret weapon)
- Papa face moisturizer
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All your videos using your Papa are awesome - keep sending ‘em in and very cool to see all your results.
We only get one skin, we gotta take care of it 🫱🏾🫲🏼👊🏾
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Shopping Around?
Who is your favourite sex symbol?
If it wasn’t obvious already — Prince is my favourite (not my only favourite but my favourite.)
As colourful as I am, it seems that I only get black items. This is not the case (HA!) I choose a few pieces here and there that I think not only apply to my personal taste but also give me an opportunity to be expressive.
In our last article, I mentioned that the latex look wasn’t really my thing. This was partly because I had never tried it on before and I knew the situations I had seen most people wearing them in, were graphic as all else. Not even in sexual sense — latex doesn’t suit everyone’s personal style.
I’m always willing to try something different at least once. I’m not a stingy person — I can be stubborn but I’ve become more flexible with my taste this time around.
My go-to is lace because it’s like you’re wearing a secret on your body. Lace is the material of whispers and fragments — it’s a sexy fabric that plays hide -n- seek. In a Prince like fashion, lace can be considered shy — somewhat of a sensitive cloth. A man as electric as that — shy? You would never think that such a talent would be so quiet or meek.
Zippers can be a challenge for some wearers — but I found that I like the concept of zippers depending on where they’re applied — when the outfit isn’t for a sexual encounter. Zippers are cool because even on general clothing, they don’t need to be useful for anything — sometimes they’re just on a jacket for style in a random spot.
Knowing my favourite — Prince’s style can change with the wind its exciting and I try to go for that same energy when choosing my general everyday clothing. This time around — I tried that method in lingerie to see if I could open up my taste when it comes to lingerie and BOY is it difficult.
So many decisions, so many styles, so many buttons — but I concluded that zippers would be next in line for my favourites because of how sexy and useless they can be. (HA!)
The feeling of a new texture on my skin — does feel nice as a lingerie adult ♡ it won’t stop me from searching for another lace garment but I am willing to always embrace new colours, cuts and concepts like usual. There are lingerie adults who may enjoy an animal print that embraces their unique qualities, there are others who enjoy large metal objects that can harness them to fixtures and there are lingerie adults that appreciate a myriad of shimmering light sequins and feathers on a thong. (HA!)
Bright red — is also a new colour I’m willing to try out even though I think it clashes with my skin tone. I go for burgundy or dark reds that resemble wine because often, it doesn’t make me look feverish or flushed out — it’s complimentary. ♡
I recommend we as lingerie adults try colours we’re not comfortable with or even lingerie that we think may not fit our size. I’m small-tall but I’m mighty — I don’t let my size stop me from trying “ juicy-grow-lookin’ ” clothing at 27 years old. I will always respect my bodacious peers because they respect me even if I don’t have the added size — my curves stand out in a friendly manner just like theirs.
Thank you to them. ♡
Lovehoney Gives Us a Look Into Their World
LoveHoney was kind enough to send JoySays a FEW NEW treats so that we could try on a couple of piece for ourselves.
To the LoveHoney team — thank you very kindly once again, I am truly grateful. ♡
The units fit very well — I am petite so I liked that I could adjust the strap on the back of the teddy and I loved the way the cat suit shaped my frame. Once again, I appreciated the friendly interaction and hardworking-dedicated team behind all of this.
As I type this, the sun is coming up and I hold my ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ’s close.
Again, thank you for the freedom to choose some gorgeous items in your store and allowing me to be myself while searching. This time around, I went for something that challeneged my taste.
Lovehoney Fierce Wet Look Zipper Catsuit
Quite sexy — this complimented my shape immensely around the hips and shoulders — the double zipper that went from my neck to behind my bottom was unique
I felt graceful seeing myself wear this unit because my entire body was covered but I still felt alluring
This will double as a great costume for halloween
Lovehoney Tiger Lily Pink Lace Teddy
I loved how feminine this felt on my body
The adjustable strap across the back was so useful because my measurements are not the same in every outfit
One size fits all does not apply here even if it says so because you can alter this to your personal body type
Big Finish for My Smart Cookies 🍪 & World Sexual Health Day 🚑
A man gets a chance to meet up with his dream girl from high school, even though his date with her back then was a complete disaster.
Two brothers, survivors of family tragedy, take different life paths: one falls for a high-spirited waitress and dreams of success, the other follows a life of petty crime. Their lives reconnect in shattering fashion.
There's Something About Mary is rated R but I still get confused as to why. It’s the funny one out of the three that emphasizes old high school romances that never took off. If you like genuine silly humour with OMG?! moments — The laughs are not something you’d want to miss considering it got 17 wins out of 17 nominations.
Slapstick comedy for a mature group of pals.
Jason’s Lyric has two modes. Either you’re watching a Boyz in the Hood oriented movie or a soft corn adult film. THIS IS THE STEAMY one, very sexy moments and it’ll make you clutch your pearls a little. This film is rated R — A young man on the right trajectory, finds love even though his brother goes in the very opposite direction.
Rated R? Probably because of all of the on screen booty meat, breasts and cussin’. I would recommend you watch this one alone or with a partner — there is violence/abuse/trauma in this movie that may be triggering to some as a discretion. There are guns in this film and if that’s your thing — they will be on screen QUITE often too.
Mermaids is a classic featuring Cher that’s rated PG - 13 but I remember seeing this before that age and having an appreciation for Kate because she was carefree just like me. The only issue with Kate being so carefree was that it actually hurt her :( — This film is great for those embracing romance back into their lives.
A chaotic story with heartwarming bonding moment between a mother and her daughters is what you can look forward to — plus the humour of a new unexpected love. This would be the weekend film that you could watch with family.
“Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence"
World Sexual Health Day (WSHD) has been celebrated in 60 countries with many useful activities/events such as round tables, discussions, keynote speakers, open conferences and art exhibitions. We are encouraged to begin planning our community involvement to raise sex-positive awareness and provide access to necessary sexual health resources. Viable options exist and together we can celebrate in our territories and across social media with the hashtags #wshd2024 and #positiverelationships.
Another unusual fun week for JoySays but we see this as an important topic to relay to our community about how to continue our growth. Positive relationships don’t always have to be about sex — sometimes a positive relationship with yourself is just as important. Thank you to LoveHoney for welcoming us once again — we love being apart of the discussion. ♡
#SafeSex | #PositiveRelationships | #JoyfulSexEd