Welcome Lovers
In this edition of JoySays we will be discussing the mature topic of sex. This will be a conversation of a sexual nature hopefully enlightening and empowering readers while loosening up [ your/their/readers ] articulation of their needs and preferences.
Surrounding the topics of desires, boundaries, sexual consent, and sexual health — we invite you into this special space with the utmost respect and hope not to offend you. ♡
As a community, we should be boldly addressing these areas of concern for individuals who can and would like to foster deeper connections, understand the benefits and consequences of sex, and improve their overall sexual well-being.
Understanding relationship dynamics while showing appreciation for the complexities of human sexuality can be difficult but ideal and motivating. Encouraging active listening, continual growth and celebrating diversity is apart of embracing fulfillment within one’s sexual confidence.
The connection between mental wellness and sexual wellness is a very significant aspect of a person’s overall health. Mental wellness, psychological, and social well-being, all play a crucial role in shaping one's mindset meaning that a positive mental state can improve sexual experiences, encouraging intimacy and healthy bonds. Conversely, challenges such as stress, anxiety, or depression can impact sexual wellness which can cause difficulties in arousal, desire, or satisfaction.
Balanced communication and mutual understanding between partners is essential when it comes to addressing how to move forward and engaging a healthy balance between mental and sexual well-being. A supportive environment that prioritizes mental and sexual wellness can create a generous love connection and ideal sex life.
“Sexuality, understood as a drive and an inherent need for human beings, has unquestionably been part of the occupations and concerns of psychiatrists from the beginning of the century.
Not in vain, psychoanalysts theorized about the importance of sexual repression as the origin of a great number of mental diseases.
Sexual drive, originally called libido, seemed to be the nucleus of life and its repression or deficiencies a way towards mental suffering.
The concept obviously must be extended towards eroticism in a broader sense, not always necessarily coital, and to satisfaction of physical pleasure and intimacy.
Over the years, following growth in scientific research, it has become essential to invest increasing interest and more research resources to contribute to the theoretical maxims that could empirically explain the secrets of such important drives.”
Combating Shame and Bullying Means Knowing About It
How might A Person’S sexuality impact THEIR mental health?
FOR STRAIGHT, GAY, BI, QUEER AND EVERYONE WE HAVE NOT YET MENTIONED: Sexuality can significantly impact mental health, altering everything from a person’s self-acceptance to relationships, friendships and even their emotional well-being. Individuals grappling with societal ideals or discrimination may experience heightened anxiety, depression, or lowered self-esteem, while those who embrace their sexuality often (All sexual orientations) find empowerment and a sense of community.
It's very important to talk to someone you trust. Like a friend, doctor, counsellor or a therapist especially if you are feeling overwhelmed by your sexuality. Remember, it's okay to be yourself and seek support when you need it!
Alexithymia refers to a difficulty in identifying, processing, and expressing one’s own emotions with appropriate language as well as differentiating those feelings from bodily sensations. Alexithymia was widely explored by two known psychiatrists named Peter Emanuel Sifneos and John Case Nemiah. The former coined the term alexithymia, which has roots from the Greek words “a” meaning lack or without, “lexis” meaning word, and “thymos” meaning emotions or feelings. Taken altogether, alexithymia means “a lack of words for emotion.”
What About ASEXUALITY and HYPERsexuality?
“the state or fact of not experiencing sexual attraction (the feeling of liking someone sexually)”
“Compulsive sexual behavior is sometimes called hypersexuality or sexual addiction. It’s an intense focus on sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors that can’t be controlled”
Assessing Sexual Risks & Prevention measures
Measuring Risks, Sexually Transmitted Infections and the Benefits of Comprehensive Sexuality Education
The general public should be for measuring risks (researching deeply), understanding/speaking about sexually transmitted infections (sti's/std’s) and the benefits of comprehensive sexual education because it makes WE as a people much more aware, HAPPIER and saves human beings from misfortune.
You would think more of us would want to be safe (we’re doing a decent job btw) and we have come a long way in our education but unfortunately the necessary information and resources can easily slip through the cracks of ever changing time.
Anyone can be affected by the misfortunes that arise surrounding sexual unawareness and no one is allowed to tell you that you can’t find help or a community that can assist you.
The 1980’s — a time that the HIV/AIDS epidemic was rampant and unfortunately many were passing due to the lack of formal education even by doctors. The world knew that essentially ANYONE with blood could get HIV/AIDS and it was something that needed to be tackled immediately.
AIDS: Your Choice for Life [1987]
Today there are many survivors and even though we have lost loved ones along the way, there are those who are able to recant the historical evidence that can still sometimes hurt. There are medications available in today’s present time — usually administered to those who are dealing with HIV/AIDS — in return keeping them peaceful, steady and alert as a general citizen.
When It comes to the bedroom
You are so very loved so make great safe choices.
What Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Exist?
What is Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS)?
— Science Direct, Jose Bolanos | Successful treatment of Post-orgasmic illness syndrome with human chorionic gonadotropin, 2019
What IS vaginismus?
— Science Direct, Textbook of Family Medicine (Eighth Edition), 2011
Comprehensive Sexuality EducatioN
How much sex is too much sex?
Most people (including me, HA!) think there’s never enough sex — there’s no limit to loving someone or being passionately committed in the bedroom. However, if you and your partner are starting to experience some physical troubles in a session, don’t assume it’s because there isn’t any attraction there. There are many ways that sex can also be somewhat painful or difficult causing the passion session to dim in energy.
— Action Canada SHR VIA 2018 UNESCO Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education
The Sex In Question : Should I Take a Break?
Suggested documentary film, Let’s Talk About Sex (2009) dips its toes into America’s STI trend where over 2000+ young women become pregnant and over 50+ people are dealing with HIV on a daily basis. James Houston examines and identifies the happenings of sexuality having a cast of characters from Los Angeles, California & the Netherlands. This was rated a 7 out of 10 if you’re not busy and you’re open minded to footage from before the 2010’s!
Dr. Ruth, was a German/American sex therapist and talk show host. She Was expert in sexual behaviour who Spoke about people's sexual problems on television. IF you’re of a certain age you may also remember her from Between the Lions.
Don't have sex with strangers, those that you've just met, share needles, don't do harmful sex activities
Practice celibacy OR abstaining (THEY ARE DIFFERENT)
Stylishly Spicing Up the Game
Is There Anything I Can Do to Switch Up My Technique? | THIS PART IS FOR ADULTS
There are so many ways for foreplay to enter the room or even ways to ignite sexiness within yourself. Allowing yourself to open up to the endless possibilities of clothing choices, positions and a heightened imagination gives the opportunity to not only cultivate your sexual preferences but nurture what truly matters to you as an individual.
Provocative as it may seem, everyone has a kink and everyone has a sexual interest that sets them ablaze that’s why (IN MY OPINION) it is friendly and important to be respectful and not impolite when speaking of such a matter because some people can actually become offended.
“Most” people in today’s modern age don’t have an issue with telling others about their turn ons and turn offs, though there is some reservation due to our maturity and conversational familiarities (we know what may not bode well or the outcome of a verbal situation if something inappropriate is said.)
Kinks can be
Anal, Bimbofication, Blindfolds, Bondage, Caning, Choking, Cunnilingus, Cupping, Degradation, Dirty talking, Exhibitionism, Face sitting, Fighting/Wrestling, Fisting, Flogging, Foot fetish, Furries, Gags, Harpaxophilia, Immobility, Imprisonment, Katoptronophilia, Lactation, Latex/rubber, Masochism, Narratophilia, Odaxelagnia, Oculophilia, Parthenophilia, Plushophilia, Ropework, Rimming, Sadism, Slime fetish, Strap-on, Suspension, Teasing (Tantalolagnia), Triolism, Ursusagalmatophilia, Underwear fetish, Voyeurism, Watersports (urophilia), Wax, Xenophilia, Yiffing, Zentai, Zelophilia
Anal, Bimbofication, Blindfolds, Bondage, Caning, Choking, Cunnilingus, Cupping, Degradation, Dirty talking, Exhibitionism, Face sitting, Fighting/Wrestling, Fisting, Flogging, Foot fetish, Furries, Gags, Harpaxophilia, Immobility, Imprisonment, Katoptronophilia, Lactation, Latex/rubber, Masochism, Narratophilia, Odaxelagnia, Oculophilia, Parthenophilia, Plushophilia, Ropework, Rimming, Sadism, Slime fetish, Strap-on, Suspension, Teasing (Tantalolagnia), Triolism, Ursusagalmatophilia, Underwear fetish, Voyeurism, Watersports (urophilia), Wax, Xenophilia, Yiffing, Zentai, Zelophilia
Shopping Around ?
Personally, when shopping I like to find something that heightens my self-acceptance and matches my taste. I go for items that highlight my personality and my favourite body parts.
Some people may look for items that their partner may appreciate based on colour, design or conduct of “order" in the bedroom and this is also just fine. You should feel special in your attire even if it’s not for pleasure.
Wearing lingerie does NOT have to be for a sexual encounter it can be worn under clothes and lingerie can be worn modestly in public, assuming you’re doing it in an appropriate manner that doesn’t offend anyone.
For music videos vixen, models and artists there is an acception (exception? I speak other languages, sorry) of course to present the product or item (I.E. La Senza, Victoria Secret) within reason. Some people may see this as desperate but if this is for your profession as a model or reviewer it matters only to you as the wear-er especially if you’re confident or comfortable.
Never confine yourself to someone’s expectations or their idea of how you should present your nature/natural self. Everyone has a body with useful organs and how you exude yourself is lovely. ♡
Are the underwear form fitting to my size?
How do they fall on my body?
Are they saggy and do they feel tight or loose near the crotch?
Will I wear them more than once?
Are they backless?
If the straps are loose, how far does the bra fall?
Do the cups feel restrictive?
Is this difficult to put on and take off?
Does the clasp have too many hooks?
How much metal is there?
How are "they" sitting?
Can I wear the full unit and feel attractive wearing this under an outfit?
How can I identify my personal sexiness in this piece?
Do I like this/these colour(s)?
Is this easy to clean and can I hand wash it?
How delicate is this lingerie unit?
It’s important to find your own style — I don’t often enjoy wearing restrictive clothing contrary to popular belief. Because of my current size, it’s hard for me to wear overtly baggy clothing because it hilariously falls off as though I were Flat Stanley (Ha!)
Some people enjoy wearing thongs because of the way they can accentuate or favour the bottom while still helping to maintain that supportive feeling. Some people even enjoy going commando and not wearing anything at all — letting it all breath and air out while other’s love a full pair of underwear that cover all the mature bits and pieces.
To each their own.
I sometimes identify with open concept or backless panties because I like the comfort, hybrid-flexibility and fresh feeling. As an adult, obviously my taste will change with time and so will many other lingerie adults like me. We are all very complex people, where some Twitter (X) users find themselves as furries — I personally don’t.
Backless panties have always been very pretty to me because it requires quite a bit of self-esteem to pull them off. There are models from my early years that I would see in catalogues who would wear see-through lingerie, that would show their bits or lingerie that would be made of leather and latex; that didn’t appeal to me as much as lace or the colours the model would wear. The 00’s were much more open and magazines/films showed both men and women in their choice of outfit.
I would recommend anyone struggling with bodily self-appreciation or their own sexual image to give backless panties a try because you’re basically forced to look at your own behind and form an opinion about it.
The only disadvantage would be that you can’t wear a skirt without shorts or a body shaper. Though backless isn’t an everyday thing, dress ideally if you’re leaving the house in backless panties to save yourself the trouble of pulling a full Monroe.
At Lovehoney, we blend the smart and educational with a touch of fun.
If you are seeking advice or guidance, immerse yourself in our vibrant community through buyers' guides, forums, and product videos, or explore the genuine insights from our 300,000+ adult toy reviews.
For additional assistance, our award-winning customer service team is here for you, providing expert advice and personalized support through chat and email. We'll make sure that your pleasure journey is as smooth as possible.
2013 | The Lovehoney family goes down under, launching LoveHoney.Com.Au. A Brisbane office and warehouse soon follows the launch of the website.
2014 | We began designing our very own range of Lovehoney lingerie, covering even more of our customer's bedroom needs.
2016 | Lovehoney was awarded the Queen’s Award for International Trade. Winners of the award, including Lovehoney’s founders Richard Longhurst and Neal Slateford, were invited to a garden party at Buckingham Palace where they were joined by the Queen and her husband Prince Philip.
Lovehoney Gives Us a Look Into Their World
LoveHoney was kind enough to send JoySays a treat so that we could try a piece out for ourselves.
To the LoveHoney team — thank you very kindly, I am grateful. ♡
The unit fit very well, I appreciated the friendly interaction and hardworking-dedicated team behind all of this. In early July, the interaction couldn’t have come at a better time.
Again, thank you for the freedom to choose something gorgeous in your store and allowing me to be myself while searching.
This is What WE Got
Suits my taste
Maintains the backless appeal that I look for in the bottom
Unique unexpected crotch area
Garter straps were a huge plus considering that I don’t wear stockings — they can be useful in the future
You can never go wrong with onyx and there is also a red one
Big Finish for My Smart Cookies 🍪 & World Sexual Health Day 🚑
Lets watch a dramatic indie film from the 90’s titled, Let's Talk About Sex (1998) [ R ] starring Troy Byer, Paget Brewster and Randi Ingerman. Although it doesn’t have the highest rating, it’s definitely worth a watch because of the theme.
A Miami advice columnist (Troy Byer) and her friends (Paget Brewster, Randi Ingerman) make a documentary about what women want in relationships.
It’s mildly erotic, nostalgic and presents as an actual documentary through the lense of Troy Byer’s character, Jasmine.
I appreciated the youthfulness of the interviewees because those same people are parents and grandparents now. When you look at the archival footage, you see people from all walks of life being themselves and fully embracing the joy of sex/sexuality and how fun it can be.
It was bubbly and silly yet informative and the perfect weekend TV movie. If you have it on VHS, you know what I’m talking about but if you ask your aunts and uncles if they have ever heard of Let's Talk About Sex — you may be in luck.
S/O to my older cousins for helping me find this classic gem.
There were so many people who went all out!
World Sexual Health Day (WSHD)
World Sexual Health Day (WSHD) lands on September 4th and this year’s theme is Positive Relationships.
“Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence"
World Sexual Health Day (WSHD) has been celebrated in 60 countries with many useful activities/events such as round tables, discussions, keynote speakers, open conferences and art exhibitions. We are encouraged to begin planning our community involvement to raise sex-positive awareness and provide access to necessary sexual health resources. Viable options exist and together we can celebrate in our territories and across social media with the hashtags #wshd2024 and #positiverelationships.
This is something a little unusual coming from JoySays this week but we wanted to make sure we were able to invite a new audience into our community while still informing our current audience. Hopefully in the future, we are allotted another opportunity like this, to dig our teeth into extra exciting and informative adventures.
#SafeSex | #PositiveRelationships | #JoyfulSexEd